Customer Testimonials

Our customers are very happy people. Not only do they own cool cars, boats, and snowmobiles that have been or are being beautifully restored, they love the work we do for them. But don't take our word for it:

"I had front and rear bumpers re-chromed from you folks about 3 or 4 years ago, and I just now opened them up, and they are just gorgeous! I just really love the job you did."

-Gene from Minot, North Dakota

"The employees at North Star are very skilled at what they do. The quality exceeds the work of other platers."

-Howard (1967 Camaro SS)

Thank you to everyone for the great job you did to bring our 65 GTO to another level. Could not be happier with the bumpers. Your customer service was excellent and the quality top notch. 

-Al from Wisconsin